About Us

Aushadham, as a company, takes pride in putting generations of hard work into studying Ayurvedic gifts bestowed on us thousands of years ago by God Dhanvantri. With a continuous and deep study of natural elements and deriving extraordinary functional benefits without any side effects, Aushadham promises a healthier life to its customers by offering genuinely herbal products.

We excel in sourcing phytochemicals and other vital components from their natural habitats brewing, and blending them to create products that are as close to nature as possible. All the components are hand-picked from the Mother Nature by our experts. We are continuously researching and developing an naturel products with great intrinsic values that deliver results for everyone. Send us a text an ambassador will respond when available.

Call: +91-814-251-9966

Mon - Fri:08:30 - 20:00

Sat-Sun:09:30 - 21:30

Aushadham brings nature’s essence through a carefully curated process in the Ark –Organic Hair Care products.

A team that never stops working and a strong belief in getting the best out of nature results in products that deliver what they promise. We have a long standing reputation of quality products and committed environmental stewardship.

True to its name, Ark Hair Oil is a fully organic and herbal product that works for everyone without the worry of any harmful side effects.

We promise a healthy life and the sense of being connected to nature in its purest form.

Aushadham, as a company, takes pride in putting generations of hard work in studying Ayurvedic gifts bestowed on us thousands of years ago by God Dhanvantri. With continuous and deep study of natural elements and deriving extraordinary functional benefits without any side effects, Aushadham promises a healthier life to its customers by offering genuinely herbal products.

We excel in sourcing phytochemicals and other vital components from their natural habitats brewing, and blending them to create products that are as close to nature as possible. All the components are hand-picked from the Mother Nature by our experts. We are continuously researching and developing an naturel products with great intrinsic values that deliver results for everyone.

Send us a text an ambassador will respond when available.


Mon - Fri :08:30 - 20:00

Sat - Sun: 09:30 - 21:30

All Grace formulations adhere to strict purity standards and will never contain harsh or toxic ingredients

We know you treasure your hair. You deserve the highest quality hair care products which you can use and suggest to your loved ones with confidence and commitment. Every product from the Ark banner lets you do that. Building a brand, leaving a legacy

We are on our way to building a hair care brand that inspires trust and hope. Our research and beliefs are firmly placed on the Ayurvedic legacy of our country.Aushadham brings nature’s essence through a carefully curated process in the Ark –Organic Hair Care products. A team that never stops working and a strong belief in getting the best out of nature results in products that deliver what they promise. We have a long standing reputation of quality products and committed environmental stewardship. True to its name, Ark Hair Oil is a fully organic and herbal product that works for everyone without the worry of any harmful side effects. We promise a healthy life and the sense of being connected to nature in its purest form.